Whether they are riding on two wheels or driving on four, everyone operating any kind of motor vehicle on public roads has the same responsibility to follow the law and look out for other people around them. Motorcycle riders have the same right to be treated with respect on the road as anyone inside a car, truck, or SUV. Not every driver acts as responsibly as they should around motorcyclists, sometimes leading to crashes with devastating repercussions.

Taking proactive legal action over a motorcycle wreck can be far from a simple process, especially if you try to do it without support from a capable personal injury attorney at Maze Law Offices. With a knowledgeable Winchester motorcycle accident lawyer on your side, you will be able to more efficiently navigate the legal system and get paid what you deserve for all your wreck-related losses.

Do No-Fault Laws Apply to Motorcycle Crashes?

Under state law, insurance providers are required to provide at least $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage to motor vehicle owners. Unless the owner opts out of the coverage in writing, an injured person can use it to cover medical bills, lost work income, and certain other expenses stemming from an auto accident. Importantly, the law does not require insurance providers to offer the same coverage to motorcycle owners, and not all motorcycle insurance policies include it.

When a motorcycle rider’s insurance does not cover all of their losses stemming from a wreck, they may be restricted from filing suit against the person who negligently caused that wreck unless they suffered a serious injury or have to pay over $1,000 in medical bills. A Winchester motorcycle crash attorney can provide irreplaceable guidance about how these and other regulations may affect a motorcyclist’s ability to recover financially after a crash.

How Comparative Fault Could Impact Recovery Efforts

When someone has grounds to file suit against someone else over a motorcycle wreck, they may also need to be prepared for allegations that they are to blame for their own accident. Comparative fault is a particularly common obstacle to recovery after motorcycle wrecks because of unfair stereotypes many people believe about motorcyclists being daredevils who are more likely to act recklessly on the road.

The state takes a pure comparative fault approach to this concept, which means as long as an injured person is not 100 percent at fault for their own injuries, they can recover at least some compensation from any other person who played a role in causing their injuries. However, any lesser percentage of fault held by an injured person will almost always result in a reduced final damage award. Representation from a skilled lawyer can be important to achieving success with a motorcycle accident claim in Winchester.

Seek Help from a Winchester Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Even at low speeds, motorcycle crashes tend to result in much more serious injuries compared to collisions between cars with seatbelts, airbags, and enclosed metal frames protecting their passengers. You may have a tougher time than you would expect demanding civil restitution between procedural roadblocks and the personal stigma motorcyclists often face.

Fortunately, you have help available from a dedicated Winchester motorcycle accident lawyer who can fight tenaciously and effectively to make sure you get a fair case result. Schedule your free consultation by calling Maze Law Offices today.

Maze Law Offices