Many of our elderly relatives, including families and friends, depend on nursing homes to look after our loved ones and provide them with appropriate medical care. This is especially true since they are being paid to do so. However, when a nursing home does not meet this responsibility—whether due to neglect, physical or emotional abuse, or financial exploitation—calling a Winchester nursing home neglect lawyer could be a crucial step toward reaching justice for your loved one and helping them out of the situation they are in.

The best Winchester nursing home attorneys know what to look for and what experts to consult in building a case. They will also represent their client at the negotiation table and in the courtroom, to ensure they recover for their hardships and damages. Regardless of the hurdles the case presents, our experienced personal injury attorneys at Maze Law Offices have handled many cases like this, and could discuss with you during a free consultation how our legal team can help achieve a favorable case outcome on your elderly loved one’s behalf.

What Are the Laws Regarding Nursing Home Abuse?

Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) 216.515 governs nursing homes in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, protecting residents from abuse, neglect, and exploitation by nursing home employees and companies. It provides for a Residents’ Bill of Rights, with which an experienced Winchester nursing home neglect lawyer will be familiar.

A Winchester attorney can investigate whether nursing home abuse laws have been broken based on the facts of the case. They can then advise whether it is best to try and reach a settlement with insurers or take a case to court. This alone can be an incredibly complex and time-consuming process, best conducted with legal assistance.

Recoverable Compensation After Nursing Home Neglect

When assisted living facility abuse or neglect has been established, the law provides for several categories of damages, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and punitive damages. The latter category of damages is available when a nursing home’s abuse is particularly egregious, rising beyond mere neglect.

While proving liability in a nursing home neglect case is challenging, calculating damages is a significant piece of a case and may be equally as challenging. It can be simplified considerably by retaining a top-rated injury lawyer in Winchester who knows which experts to consult, which doctors and specialists to visit, and what future damages to calculate and be aware of based on their previous nursing home abuse cases.

Be Aware of Insurance Companies

In these cases, insurance company officials use various tactics to reduce their companies’ liability: One is to get a plaintiff to make a statement against their interest. Another is to come right out of the gate with a lowball settlement offer that a stressed victim of nursing home abuse may be tempted to take.

An experienced and highly rated nursing home neglect attorney in Winchester can advise whether a particular settlement offer is fair and communicate directly with the insurance companies so that their client does not have to worry about dealing with insurers alone.

Can You Get a Settlement for Bedsores at a Nursing Home?

Bedsores are a type of injury that is often seen in many nursing home abuse cases. This common type of injury develops after blood supply to the skin is cut off for an extended period. Bedsores may also be referred to as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers. Bedsores commonly occur on skin that covers a bony area of the body, such the back and tailbone area, the hip or pelvis area, and also heels and ankles.  These often-terrible injuries occur usually when medical staff, doctors, or personnel do not sufficiently change the patient’s position in a sufficient or recommended period of time.

The severity of bedsores ranges from several different stages, depending upon the depth of the sore and the degree of skin and tissue damages. As the skin dies, the nursing home patient’s condition can rapidly decline as the injured area may tear open leading to infection, which could result in a wrongful death.

Reach Out to a Top Rated Nursing Home Neglect Attorney in Winchester for a Free Consultation

The best bedsore attorneys should always provide a free initial case evaluation. When you or someone you love has been injured due to nursing home abuse, you are entitled to monetary compensation under the law. An experienced local lawyer can advise you of your legal options based on the facts of your case.

By calling a Winchester nursing home neglect lawyer sooner rather than later, you are taking step one towards being made whole for the pain and injuries you and your family have suffered due to nursing home abuse. Call and speak to a dedicated member of our legal team at Maze Law Offices to schedule a confidential and free consultation and let us get started on your case today.

Maze Law Offices