What Are the Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?

Most people walking have no idea a pedestrian accident is happening until it’s too late. These collisions can occur in a split second, yet the consequences can last a lifetime.

But why do they happen?

It’s not just about being in the wrong place at the wrong time; several specific, avoidable factors contribute to many of these life-altering incidents.

When someone else’s negligence causes you injuries as a pedestrian, you must have proof of their liability to seek full compensation. Determining the cause of the accident is often necessary to prove the party’s negligence.

Never wait to enlist the services of a pedestrian accident attorney who can determine the cause of your collision and take proper legal action.

Distracted Driving

We’ve all been there—stuck behind the wheel, trying to juggle the many distractions that seem to come with modern life. A quick glance at the phone, a swerve while grabbing that coffee, or even just letting the mind wander to stress at work.

All these little moments can lead to big problems.

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of pedestrian accidents, as it only takes a second for a distracted driver to collide with someone walking.

When drivers aren’t fully focused on the road, they miss things—like the pedestrian stepping off the curb or the child chasing after a ball. These accidents aren’t just unfortunate, they directly result from someone not paying attention when it matters most, making them preventable. When a distracted driver collides with a pedestrian, potentially fatal accidents can result.


A black car speeds down the street, the background blurred to emphasize its reckless pace. The scene captures the concept of dangerous driving and disobeying traffic rules.

When a driver speeds, they have less time to react, less control over their vehicle, and far more potential to cause serious harm. The faster a car goes, the harder it is to stop, and the more force it exerts on impact. For a pedestrian, that can mean the difference between life and death.

Speeding in high-risk areas like school zones, residential streets, or busy urban areas is particularly dangerous. In these places, a driver is most likely to find pedestrians who become unintended victims of speeding drivers.

When a speeding vehicle hits you, a pedestrian accident attorney becomes your advocate, fighting to ensure the speeding driver is liable for their actions.

Failure to Yield the Right-of-Way

Traffic laws exist to keep everyone safe and ensure that traffic moves smoothly. However, when drivers ignore these rules, particularly regarding the right-of-way, the results can be catastrophic for pedestrians.

Failure to yield the right-of-way is a common cause of pedestrian accidents. Whether a driver runs a red light, turns without checking the crosswalk, or simply ignores a pedestrian’s presence, they put lives at risk.

Pedestrians have the right to expect drivers to follow the rules, especially when walking in designated crosswalks and intersections. When drivers do not, it’s not just an inconvenience, it’s negligence with often costly outcomes.

That’s where a pedestrian accident lawyer steps in to hold those who violate the rules responsible for their actions.

Impaired Driving

A driver grips a bottle of alcohol while behind the wheel, illustrating the concept of drunk driving.

Few things are more irresponsible than getting behind the wheel while impaired. Whether it involves alcohol, drugs, or even prescription medications, impaired driving is a recipe for disaster.

When drivers are under the influence, their ability to react, judge distances, and make sound decisions is severely compromised.

For pedestrians, this means stepping into a nightmare.

An impaired driver is less likely to see them, less likely to stop in time, and more likely to cause severe injury or death. The victims of these accidents often face lifelong injuries, massive medical bills, and a long road to recovery—if they’re lucky enough to survive.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a pedestrian accident caused by an impaired driver, seek legal representation immediately. A pedestrian accident attorney experienced in handling cases involving impaired driving accidents can help gather evidence of impairment, establish liability, and fight for your rights.

Ignoring Traffic Signals and Signs

Traffic signals and signs aren’t just suggestions; they’re the rulebook for safe driving. When drivers decide to play fast and loose with these rules—like running a red light or breezing through a stop sign—they create chaos.

Pedestrians rely on these signals to know when it’s safe to cross the street, but one driver’s impatience or inattention can turn a routine walk into disaster. Ignoring traffic signals isn’t just a minor slip-up. It’s a reckless gamble with other people’s lives. When a driver causes an accident by flouting these rules, a pedestrian accident lawyer can gather evidence of their violation and hold them responsible.

Reckless Driving

A male driver, distracted by his mobile phone, recklessly runs over a pedestrian while driving.

Reckless driving is the wild card of the road—a dangerous mix of speed, aggression, and poor judgment.

Whether it’s tailgating, weaving through traffic, or just driving too fast, these behaviors drastically increase the risk of hitting a pedestrian. Reckless drivers often act like the road belongs to them alone, disregarding the fact that others are trying to get somewhere safely, too.

When their reckless actions lead to pedestrian injuries, the blame should be crystal clear—it’s on the driver who put their own need for speed above everyone else’s safety.

Poor Vehicle Maintenance

Think of vehicle maintenance as the behind-the-scenes work that keeps everyone safe. Neglecting it—like driving with worn-out brakes or faulty headlights—turns a car into a hazard on wheels. If a pedestrian accident happens because a driver did not stop in time or didn’t see someone crossing, poor maintenance might be to blame.

Drivers should be liable for inadequate maintenance when it leads to pedestrian collisions, injuries, and losses.

Contact a Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

Don’t let a pedestrian accident derail your life. If you suffered injuries in such an incident, it’s time to fight for your rights. An experienced personal injury lawyer is ready to stand by your side.

Don’t wait another moment to seek a free consultation. Remember, you don’t pay unless your attorney wins compensation for you, so you have nothing to lose by taking the first step toward justice for your injuries.

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