Dogs make great pets for families and can offer protection for homeowners. However, owning a dog comes with certain responsibilities, including protecting visitors from attacks. Injuries from a dog bite can be severe and cause permanent damage and scarring. In the most serious cases, dog attacks can be fatal.

When you or a loved one suffers injuries from a dog bite, you may have a personal injury case against the pet’s owner. Dog owners in Kentucky are strictly liable for their animal’s actions. Be sure to speak with a Richmond dog bite lawyer at Maze Law Offices about pursuing a claim. Consultations are always free and have no obligation.

How Are Dog Bite Cases Handled in Kentucky?

Dog owners in Kentucky are strictly liable for their animal’s actions. If a dog attacks someone, their owner is responsible, regardless of whether they knew their pet had violent tendencies or not. Kentucky is one of few jurisdictions that does not apply a “one bite rule” to dog attack cases. In other states, the pet owner can be liable only if they were aware or should have known the animal might react in a dangerous way. Kentucky law does not have this same requirement; here, injured parties must simply show that the dog bit or attacked them while they were lawfully on the premises and they suffered injuries as a result.

When a dog injures someone, it often involves a friend or family member’s pet. In these circumstances, an injured person may be reluctant to pursue a lawsuit against their friend or loved one to preserve the relationship. However, when someone files a claim seeking compensation for personal injuries, insurance companies are the ones who pay the damages; individuals rarely pay damages out of their own pocket, as a well-practiced dog bite attorney in Richmond can further explain.

Recoverable Damages for Dog Bite Injuries

Pet owners must take precautions to prevent their animals from harming their guests or passers-by. If you are injured in a dog attack, it is important to understand the types of compensation available to you. In civil cases, compensatory damages are awarded to compensate injured parties for their losses stemming from the incident. Recoverable damages for dog bite injuries often include:

  • Attorney fees
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Lost income if unable to work
  • Medical expenses, including cost of treatment, surgery, and medication

Dog bite victims often incur significant losses; their injuries can result in permanent scarring and require expensive surgery or treatments. The best dog bite lawyer in Richmond would review the circumstances of a specific person’s case to estimate comprehensive damages.

Speak With a Richmond Dog Bite Attorney Today

When you are the victim of a dog bite attack, finding the right legal counsel is critical to your case. Our experienced legal professionals at Maze Law Offices have successfully represented those injured in dog attacks across Kentucky. The cost of treating a dog bite injury can add up quickly and easily overwhelm you and your loved ones.

A Richmond dog bite lawyer at our firm can help you secure the compensation you need to afford your care and mitigate the financial burden of your injury in the future. We are prepared to work around the clock to ensure your case is resolved appropriately. To learn more about your options after a dog attack, contact our office to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

Maze Law Offices