A paralysis injury can change your life forever. Often, these injuries affect the way you interact with your family or friends, as well as your ability to carry out your job duties or complete tasks that were once part of your daily routine. They steal away life as you know it, preventing you from carrying on any hobbies, sports, traveling that you once enjoyed.
When you or a loved one suffers a paralysis injury in an accident caused by someone’s negligence, you could have legal grounds to file a claim for compensation. The best Lexington paralysis injury lawyers can review the potential case, advise you of your options, give you advice on what to do, and even file the claim on your behalf without charging you anything to get started.
At Maze Law Offices, our dedicated catastrophic injury attorneys investigate what parties are legally liable, identify what insurance policies are available to provide coverage to you, and help you build a case to collect the compensation you deserve.
A paralysis injury can leave someone suffering with lifelong physical limitations that are not only prohibitive, but extremely costly. Not all paralysis injuries are the same: Some impact one area of the body, while others impact multiple areas and result in the need for a cane or wheel chair for all facets of life and activities of daily living.
Complete paralysis is a total loss of function and feeling below the injury site. On the other hand, anyone who has incomplete paralysis could retain sensation or function below the injury site.
The four types of debilitating injuries include the following:
Proving liability for a paralysis injury depends on the circumstances of the case; however, in every situation, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant was negligent. Common incidents that lead to paralyzing injuries include motor vehicle accidents, premises liability incidents, and medical malpractice. These injuries can also result from sports accidents or violent assaults.
The best and most hardworking attorneys in the Lexington area will review the events that led to someone’s paralysis injury and determine who is responsible. When someone owed the injured person a duty of care and violated that duty, causing an injury, they could be liable for the plaintiff’s losses. For example, when a doctor fails to apply the acceptable standard of care and paralyzes their patient, the doctor could be liable.
A top personal injury lawyer in Lexington, KY could aggressively pursue all forms of compensation available in a debilitating injury case. These monetary damages could include economic and non-economic losses resulting from the injured person’s paralysis. For example, financial recovery could include the value of the individual’s lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering and mental anguish.
Monetary damages could also be available for future lost earning capacity, as well as the cost of ongoing medical care and rehabilitation. When the case involves egregious, intentional, or particularly negligent conduct by the defendant, the plaintiff could also claim punitive damages.
Importantly, the injury victim may also require the at-home assistance of a health care worker or helper with daily household chores inside and outside the home. This would also include the need for assistance with bathing, laundry, dressing, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Chandler Maze, Lexington Paralysis Injury Lawyer
When another person’s negligence causes your paralysis, you should not have to shoulder the financial burden of your injuries alone, and nor should your family. The best paralysis injury attorneys in Lexington can advocate for all available compensation so you can focus on your recovery and alleviate any financial strains or burdens on you or your loved ones.
A top personal injury attorney in Kentucky can also work diligently to see that any accountable parties are held responsible in a civil claim for damages. Clients of our Lexington Law Firm do not pay anything at all to hire an attorney to handle their claim: We only get paid if we win your case through a settlement or court award. Call Maze Law Offices today to schedule your consultation and free case evaluation with our Kentucky legal team.