Letters: It’s Time To File A Nursing Home Lawsuit

Hey Chandler,

I’ve been living in a nursing home for about a year now. My children checked me in after I had a fall around Christmas time last year. When I first got here, everything seemed great. The rooms were clean and the people that worked here seemed nice and helpful. 

But, the longer I have been here, the more the issues have become apparent. The other day I overheard someone talking about filing a nursing home lawsuit. They said they hadn’t seen a doctor in months despite asking for one. 

Now, I’ve been having my own issues. It seems like the nurses are coming around less and less often and twice this week they’ve forgotten to give me my evening medications. I’ve tried to bring the issues up with the management, but the phone lines are always busy and no one returns calls left on the answering machine. 

I don’t have a lot of money to hire a nursing home abuse law firm, but I need to make sure I get my medications. Is there any way to get them to pay attention?


Abused and Elderly


Dear Abused and Elderly,

It’s terrible that you are experiencing such a glaring lack of care and attention at your nursing home facility. There is no excuse for the mistreatment you have had to put up with since moving in.

Suing a nursing home for negligence is a time consuming and challenging process. Nursing home lawyers will fight to defend their practices. But, I am confident that with proper documentation, we can recover damages and improve the situation both for yourself and others who enter the facility after you.

There are a lot of different factors we will have to prove like what the expectation for care was and how often someone is supposed to come by to help you. Let’s start pulling together the information so we can file your case as soon as possible. Give me a call and let’s take a look at this problem together.

Talk to you soon,

Your Dedicated Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

Maze Law Offices