A person is taking a picture of car damage to send to an attorney after a Morehead car crash.

The United States has the highest number of deadly car accidents when compared against similar developed countries. The United States is exceptionally traffic-heavy with many cars traveling on the roads every single day. As of 2021, there were 284 million vehicles registered in the country. Since human error is responsible for as high as 90% of all accidents, many of these crashes are preventable. People who are hit and injured by a negligent driver have the right to take legal action to recover compensation for their injuries. The experienced Morehead car accident lawyers at Maze Law Offices can help you understand your legal rights and fight to secure the most favorable outcome under the law.

Deadly Car Accidents

In 2019 alone, there were more than 12 million accidents across the country. The actual number of collisions could be even higher when considering those that were not reported. Car wreck can result in debilitating injuries, inability to return to work, pain and suffering, or even death. In Kentucky, over 730 people died in car accidents in 2021.

Our Morehead automobile accident attorneys can provide dedicated legal guidance to individuals who have suffered injuries in car accidents. Because every person’s car wreck experience is different, we apply customized legal counsel and personalized strategy to each case.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Car accidents can leave people feeling overwhelmed and unsure of their next steps. They can make those feel disoriented and scared. Thinking clearly immediately after a crash can be difficult. The following tips can help victims of car wrecks gain a better understanding of what to do should a crash happen.

Get to Safety

If a crash happens on the road, trying to get to a safe location can keep all parties protected from oncoming traffic. Be sure to turn on hazard lights to be visible to other drivers.

Call 9-1-1

When injuries are present, it is critical to call 9-1-1 and have an officer or first responder team come to the scene. The police officer will determine if a report is warranted. In most cases, the report will be a useful piece of information to add to a car accident injury claim.

Exchange Information

If every party is responsive, exchange insurance and contact information. Victims can use their phones to take pictures of insurance cards, as well as the scene of the accident.

Gather Documentation

Document everything with pictures, and video (if possible). Take photos of the environment, the orientation of the cars, the damage done to the vehicles, the license plate of other parties involved in the crash, and any other pertinent evidence.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if symptoms of an injury do not appear immediately, it could be you’re experiencing delayed symptoms. Whiplash is a common example that manifests this way. It is often present after a car wreck but takes time for a victim to feel the pain it causes. Without treatment, an injury can become worse. Some injuries, such as internal injuries can cause death if not treated quickly. That’s why it’s always incredibly important to see a medical professional after a car accident.

Keep Detailed and Complete Records

Keep a record of every doctor appointment, all doctor reports and notes, any prescriptions, repair shop bills, and all receipts related to your injuries and losses resulting from an accident. Also, it is sometimes helpful to keep a journal and write down what happened right after the car wreck to record all details. Daily journaling about how injuries are affecting a victim and making a victim feel can be valuable documentation for a car accident claim.

Obtain Legal Guidance

Connecting with a Morehead accident lawyer at Maze Law Offices allows you to focus on healing while the legal challenges of your injury claim are professionally managed. This includes filing paperwork, communications with the insurance company, and ensuring your legal and financial rights remain protected.

How Much Compensation Could You Get From a Car Accident Claim?

Many people wonder how much a car accident claim in Morehead is worth, and if they will receive adequate compensation for their losses and injuries; an attorney could help answer these questions. Each individual’s situation will be different, so the amount you receive in compensation will also vary. Typically, the more catastrophic the damages are, the more compensation a claim is worth. To put value to a claim, we will assess all damages that exist, including those that are currently present and those that are projected to exist in the future. Several types of damages can result in the aftermath of a car wreck including, but not limited to:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages due to an inability to return to work
  • Future loss of wages
  • Loss of consortium

In some cases, when a personal injury or wrongful death event happens in a way that is egregious and extraordinarily reckless, the court will award additional compensation to a victim through punitive damages. While rare, some injury or wrongful death incidents will rise to the level of receiving punitive damages.

How Can Our Morehead Car Accident Attorneys Help You?

At Maze Law Offices, our experienced Morehead car accident lawyers are client-focused and dedicated to providing the highest-quality legal representation and services. When you call our personal injury law firm, you will speak directly with a qualified lawyer. During your free consultation, we can discuss your case and devise a personalized strategy with your best interests in mind.

Do not hesitate to reach out to Maze Law Offices to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation. Same-day consultations are available. There is a limited time to file a car accident claim, so getting started on developing your legal right to receive compensation for your injuries is critical.

Maze Law Offices N/a (606) 773-7714